Alberta Covid

in the aftermath of the Alberta covid-19 outbreak, the government of Alberta has enacted several public health measures to help curb the spread of Alberta covid-19. these measures include restrictions on travel and movement within Alberta, as well as requirements for schools, workplaces and anyone who is not sick with Alberta covid-19.

Public Health Measures

The public is advised to take precautions such as wearing masks and limiting contact with those who are ill. Anyone who feels unwell should stay at home and avoid large gatherings. The following steps should be taken in the event of a SARS-like coronavirus outbreak:

● Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, particularly if you have symptoms of an upper respiratory tract illness. Wash hands often with soap and water; avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth; don’t share cups or eating utensils.
● If you have symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection (sore throat, cough), contact your healthcare provider immediately so that they can determine the cause of the infection and treat it appropriately (e.g., prescribe antivirals).
● Avoid close contact with people who are sick with fever or signs of illness until 24 hours after their fever ends unless they wear protective clothing such as a mask and gloves while they are around others.* Quarantine may be required if there is evidence of SARS-like coronavirus infections affecting travelers’ health status upon returning from affected areas.* Restrictions at work or school may include wearing face protection equipment when working around patients with suspected infections.* Travel restrictions may be put into place based on risk factors identified by provincial/territorial health authorities.* As provinces/territories continue their assessment about whether to recommend vaccination for residents in Ontario who were in close contact with a person diagnosed with SARS-like coronavirus infection during the first outbreak period between April 1st through June 30th 2003 — If a vaccine becomes available for use within Canada it will be administered by qualified medical professionals only.* Clinics are being set up throughout Canada where people can go for testing leading up to any possible vaccination campaign (if needed).

Alberta covid restrictions
Alberta’s chief medical officer of health (CMOH) has issued a restriction on the use of the Alberta Covid-19 vaccine for those under 19 years old
The restriction means that anyone under 19 who is not immune to measles and rubella will be given the vaccine only if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
● They were born after January 1, 1995 and live in an area with ongoing outbreaks;
● They have had two doses of M-M-R II vaccine or another measles-containing vaccine by their first birthday; or
● They are immunocompromised.
public health measures
Public health measures are taken to reduce the risk of an outbreak by limiting contact between people, detecting and isolating new cases, and preventing person-to-person spread. These include:
● Quarantine (temporary separation from others) is used to prevent the spread of infection while waiting for test results or if there is no diagnosis or vaccine available.
● Restrictions at work and school may be put in place if you have been exposed to someone with a severe case of measles, RVFV or CAEV. These restrictions might include not going near other people, avoiding crowded places and wearing protective clothing when needed (for example, coveralls over your regular clothes). You may also need to avoid physical activity that could cause you to sweat heavily or vomit while your case is contagious (for example, heavy exercise). These restrictions can last up until 21 days after exposure or a negative test result confirms that you’re not infected with an infectious illness.
● Travel restrictions may be put in place if there is a suspected case of measles, RVFV or CAEV affecting travelers on an airplane or ship travelling internationally through Canada’s airports/ports where passengers are screened for these viruses before boarding their flight/vessel.”
restrictions at workplace and schools
Children under five years of age are not allowed in any daycare facility. Children between the ages of five and sixteen years may only attend school with the express permission of a parent or guardian, and only if they are accompanied by an adult. Under no circumstances are children allowed in public places unless they are accompanied by an adult.
travel restriction and quarantine rules
● Travel restrictions
● Quarantine rules
● Importance of staying home
● Why you should stay home
● How to stay home (subway, taxi, walking)
● Avoid spreading the virus: don’t shake hands, avoid direct contact with others’ mucous membranes (eyes and nose), avoid eating or drinking on public transit. :tada: * Get vaccinated!

Alberta covid-19 vaccine update
If you are a healthcare worker and are not vaccinated, the Alberta Health Services (AHS) will require mandatory vaccination.
For all vaccine exemptions or if you already have one, please visit:

Alberta covid-19 schedule
Alberta’s 2019-2020 flu season is here, and that means it’s time to start thinking about what vaccine you want to get. If you’ve been putting off getting the flu shot until this week, don’t worry—we’ve got a few tips and tricks for getting one at your local pharmacy or clinic.
We live in Alberta, so we know all too well how fast winter can arrive and how quickly it leaves us feeling sick. That’s why we’re here with advice on how to stay healthy this winter with our tips for avoiding the colds that come with living in Canada (or any other cold place).

The Alberta covid-19 vaccine is recommended for all individuals between the ages of six months and 65 years old. The vaccine provides protection against 19 different serotypes of the influenza virus, including subtypes A and B, which are the most common strains circulating in Canada at this time.

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